i know how to convert degrees to radians..

ie: 40* x (2pi rad/360*) = 0.70 rad

.. i cant figure out how to do the opposite.. can anyone show me how? thanks!


.70 rad (360 deg/2PI rad )=

radians = degrees*2*pi/360 = 0.69813
degrees = rad*360/2*pi
degrees = 0.69813*360/2*pi = 40o

you can times the radian measure by

To convert radians to degrees, you can use the formula:

degrees = radians * (180 / π)

So, if you have a value in radians, you can multiply it by (180 / π) to get the equivalent value in degrees.

For example, let's say you have a value of 0.70 radians. You can convert it to degrees using the formula as follows:

degrees = 0.70 * (180 / π)

To simplify the expression, you can use an approximation for π, such as 3.14:

degrees = 0.70 * (180 / 3.14) = 39.55 degrees

So, 0.70 radians is approximately equal to 39.55 degrees.

Remember to use the appropriate value of π depending on how precise you need your answer to be.