how are ice cubes made

my science teacher, mr.Abothu, has set us homework on input variables and output variables but we have no clue what they are and its got to be in tomorrow! please help!!!

regards lauren rhodes

Hi Lauren! I'm glad you reached out for help. Understanding input and output variables is important for many scientific experiments and studies.

In simple terms, input variables are the things you control or change in an experiment, while output variables are the results or observations you measure or observe. Let's take the example of making ice cubes to help explain this.

Input variables in making ice cubes could include:
1. Water temperature: You can try using water at different temperatures to see how it affects the freezing time.
2. Freezer temperature: You can set your freezer at different temperatures and observe how it affects the time it takes for the water to freeze.

Output variables in making ice cubes could include:
1. Freezing time: Measure the time it takes for the water to freeze in each scenario.
2. Ice cube size: Observe and measure the size of the ice cubes formed.

By manipulating the input variables and observing the corresponding changes in the output variables, you will be able to draw conclusions about the relationship between the two.

Now, regarding your homework, you need to identify input and output variables for a specific experiment or scenario. Think about something you can control or change, and something you can measure or observe as a result. It could be anything from plant growth under different light conditions to the effect of different soil types on seed germination.

I hope this explanation helps you understand input and output variables better. Good luck with your homework! Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.