thanks,can you help me with this one:


I know you have to go, but you should be able to figure these out by now. Take out x from the first 2 and 8 from the second 2:

*I seriously only have 2 more minutes now,I told my mom I needed to write something really quick!!Please help me,you have to factor by group

Take out c from the first 2 and d from the second 2:

To factor the expression xy - 3x - 8y + 24, you can use grouping. Here's how you can do it step by step:

Step 1: Group the terms in pairs.
(xy - 3x) - (8y - 24)

Step 2: Take out the common factor from each group.
x(y - 3) - 8(y - 3)

Step 3: Notice that both groups have a common factor of (y - 3). Factor it out.
(y - 3)(x - 8)

So, the factored form of xy - 3x - 8y + 24 is (y - 3)(x - 8).

If you have an expression like ac - bc + ad - bd, you can also use grouping to factor it. Here's how:

Step 1: Group the terms in pairs.
(ac - bc) + (ad - bd)

Step 2: Take out the common factor from each group.
c(a - b) + d(a - b)

Step 3: Notice that both groups have a common factor of (a - b). Factor it out.
(a - b)(c + d)

So, the factored form of ac - bc + ad - bd is (a - b)(c + d).

Remember, factoring by grouping involves grouping terms with common factors together and then factoring out the common factor from each group.