Directions are: Divide

The problem is:


what steps or better say where do i start.

factor out common terms in the numerator.

I see a 7x^3 y^3 that can come out. check that, I did it quickly.

To begin, we can simplify the expression by factoring out the common terms in the numerator. In this case, we have the term 7x^3y^3 that can be factored out of each term in the numerator.

Let's go through the division step-by-step:

Step 1: Write down the original expression:
(7x^5y^5 - 21x^4y^4 + 14x^3y^3) / (7x^3y^3)

Step 2: Factor out the common term 7x^3y^3 from each term in the numerator:
7x^3y^3 * (x^2y^2 - 3xy + 2)

By factoring out 7x^3y^3, we have simplified the expression. Now we are left with 7x^3y^3 multiplied by the expression (x^2y^2 - 3xy + 2).

Please note that I have made a correction to the original expression where "21^x^4y^4" likely should be "21x^4y^4".