The media outlets engage in __________

when they call public attention to
certain political issues.

agenda setting or issue framing

agenda setting.

To determine the answer, we need to understand the concept of media engagement and its effects on political issues. Media outlets play a crucial role in shaping public opinion by deciding which issues receive attention and how they are presented.

There are two terms that closely relate to media engagement in this context: agenda setting and issue framing.

1. Agenda setting: This refers to the ability of the media to influence the importance and salience of certain topics or issues in the public eye. Media outlets have the power to prioritize specific issues and increase their visibility, leading to greater public awareness and conversation.

2. Issue framing: This refers to how the media packages and presents information about a particular issue to shape public perceptions and understanding. By highlighting specific aspects, employing particular language, or framing the issue from a particular perspective, media outlets can exert influence over how the public interprets and responds to the issue.

In this case, the media outlets engage in "agenda setting" when they call public attention to certain political issues. They determine which issues are important and should receive more coverage, ultimately influencing what the public considers as important topics for discussion and debate.