does anybody knowq any websites that has qustions about half lives (radioactivity)?

Here is a fact sheet. I don't know if it is what you are looking for or not. If you have a question about radioactivity, post it here and I'm sure someone will be able to answer it.

If you are looking for websites specifically dedicated to questions about half-lives and radioactivity, there are a few options you can explore:

1. Physics Stack Exchange ( This website allows users to ask questions about various topics in physics, including radioactivity and half-lives. Experts and enthusiasts in the field usually provide detailed answers to questions.

2. The Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College ( This resource provides a set of questions and exercises specifically focused on understanding half-lives and the concept of radioactive decay.

3. Khan Academy ( Khan Academy offers video lessons, practice questions, and quizzes to help learners understand the concept of half-life and its application in radioactivity.

4. Online textbooks or educational websites: Many educational websites and online textbooks cover topics related to radioactivity and half-lives in their science or physics sections. These resources often include practice questions and answers to help learners grasp the concepts.

Remember, if you have a specific question about half-lives or radioactivity, please feel free to ask, and I'll be happy to help explain the answer to you!