I have a project, how can I make a marble stay inside a shoebox for a long time ,and it has to be in movement

use a machine that can keep the box moving so the marble will stay moving. whatever you do, make sure that the top is on the shoebox and that there are no holes in the box

thanks for the help

your welcome

You're welcome! To make a marble stay inside a shoebox for a long time and keep it in movement, you can follow these steps:

1. Gather the necessary materials: You will need a shoebox, a marble, a machine to keep the box moving, and some adhesive tape or glue.

2. Prepare the shoebox: Start by sealing any holes or gaps in the shoebox to ensure that the marble cannot escape. Use adhesive tape or glue to cover any openings.

3. Create a machine to move the shoebox: You can use various methods to achieve this. One option is to place the shoebox on a rotating platform or base that can continuously spin. Another option is to attach small wheels or ball bearings to the bottom of the shoebox and use a motor or a hand-powered mechanism to keep it in motion.

4. Test the machine: Ensure that the machine you have created is capable of keeping the shoebox in continuous movement without causing the marble to fall out. Make any necessary adjustments to achieve a smooth and consistent motion.

5. Place the marble inside the shoebox: Carefully place the marble inside the shoebox, ensuring that it is positioned near the center for better balance.

6. Activate the machine: Turn on the machine or operate the mechanism you created to keep the shoebox moving. Adjust the speed and intensity as desired, keeping in mind that faster movements may cause the marble to bounce or roll around more vigorously.

7. Monitor and maintain: Regularly check the shoebox and the machine to make sure everything is working properly. If necessary, make any adjustments or repairs to ensure the marble stays inside the moving shoebox for an extended period.

By following these steps, you can create a setup that keeps a marble inside a shoebox in continuous movement for a long time.