what kind of website is this? what is jiskha?

Jiskha is the name given to the site by the man who runs the show here. His name is Leo. This is a help site with the emphasis on help. We try to help students do their homework. But we like to see what the student can do, then we help them along. OR we may show how to work one problem out of ten and leave the others for the student.

oh, this is a pretty helpful site. no doubt about that. i will definitely use it more often.

come again.Thanks for using Jiskha.


@Jimmy, This question was made in 2007, he won't see your text.

That question was made before I was born.

Didn't know this site that old

This is actually such a useful site tho

You're welcome! I'm glad you find Jiskha helpful. If you have any more questions or need assistance with your homework in the future, don't hesitate to come back and ask.

Jiskha is an Indian name.