simplify the following expressions involving complex numbers.


is i like x? and how would this work i know that you do this:
to get rid of the sign between the expressions.
but then what?

To simplify the expression (3+2i) - (-7-i), you first need to distribute the negative sign to the second expression inside the parentheses. This can be done by multiplying each term inside the parentheses by -1.

(-1)(-7) = 7
(-1)(-i) = i

So, the expression becomes:

(3 + 2i) + (7 + i)

Now, you can combine like terms. Add the real parts (3 and 7) together, and add the imaginary parts (2i and i) together separately:

(3 + 7) + (2i + i)
= 10 + 3i

Therefore, (3+2i) - (-7-i) simplifies to 10 + 3i.

Regarding your question about "i," i is not the same as x. In mathematics, i represents the imaginary unit, which is defined as the square root of -1. It is used to work with and represent complex numbers, where a complex number has both a real part and an imaginary part. In this case, the expression involves complex numbers, so you need to apply the rules for adding and simplifying complex numbers.