The physical enviroment in which species relate is called their (a)biome,(b)habitat, (c)home

Look up each term in a dictionary (hard copy or on line). That should answer your question. Although this does not directly answer your question, I hope this will indicate a way to deal with similar questions in the future.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

The physical environment in which species relate is called their habitat.

To get the answer to this question, you can look up each term in a dictionary. A dictionary, whether in hard copy or online, provides definitions and explanations for various terms and concepts. By searching for the terms "biome," "habitat," and "home" in a dictionary, you can find their definitions and determine which term correctly describes the physical environment in which species relate.

When dealing with similar questions in the future, using a dictionary is often a reliable and efficient way to find answers. By referring to authoritative sources such as dictionaries, you can ensure accuracy and gain a better understanding of the concepts you are exploring.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.