how does weather and climate affect settlement patterns in New Brunswick?

my ideaS:

provinces with extreme climate such as Nunavut would obviously attract fewer immigrants since no one wants to live in such freezingly cold conditions but New Brunswick has a extremely mild climate due to the moderating effects of water so therotically it should attract immigrants yet studies show that settlements in New Brunswick are decreasing. why?

Part of the reason is a decline in agricultural land use. See this site.
(Broken Link Removed)
Another reason is a decline in immigration to that province. See this site.
Another is a change in employment opportunities; more high tech jobs are moving people to cities not rural areas.

Weather and climate can certainly affect settlement patterns in New Brunswick, as in any other region. While extreme climates like that of Nunavut may discourage immigration, New Brunswick's mild climate should, in theory, attract immigrants. However, studies show that settlements in New Brunswick are actually decreasing. There are a few reasons for this.

One factor is the decline in agricultural land use. Agricultural activities are influenced by weather conditions, and if the climate is not favorable or if there are other pressures on the agriculture industry, it can lead to a decrease in settlements in rural areas.

Another reason is a decline in immigration to the province. Immigration patterns are influenced by various economic, social, and political factors. It is possible that there are other provinces or regions that are more attractive to immigrants, offering better job opportunities, social amenities, or cultural attractions.

Additionally, changes in employment opportunities can affect settlement patterns. In recent years, there has been a shift towards more high-tech jobs, which are often concentrated in urban areas rather than rural regions. The availability of job opportunities and economic prospects can greatly impact where people choose to settle.

To get more information about the decline in settlements and specific factors contributing to it, you can refer to reliable sources such as government reports, academic studies, or research articles. The websites you mentioned can provide some initial insights, although it's always a good idea to cross-reference information and ensure the sources are reliable and up-to-date.