The smaller of 2 numbers is 10 less than 4 times the greater number. The bigger number is 19 more than the smaller one.

If x is the smaller number one equation is:
I'm almost positive it is c I just want to check.

A second equation is:
I think the answer is a I just want to check.

Yep, C and A are correct.

To solve this problem, we can break it down into steps:

1. Let's assign variables to the numbers. Let x represent the smaller number, and y represent the larger number.

2. From the given information, "The smaller of 2 numbers is 10 less than 4 times the greater number," we can write the equation: x = 4y - 10.

3. The next piece of information states that "The bigger number is 19 more than the smaller one." This gives us the equation: y = x + 19.

Now let's go through each option for the first equation:

a) x + y = 19: This equation is not correct because it adds the two numbers together, rather than expressing the relationship stated in the problem.

b) x = 19 - y: This equation is not correct because the problem states that the bigger number is 19 more than the smaller one, not the other way around.

c) y = x + 19: This equation is correct. It represents the relationship where the bigger number is 19 more than the smaller one.

d) x = y + 19: This equation is not correct because it reverses the relationship stated in the problem.

So, option c) y = x + 19 is the correct answer for the first equation.

Now let's check each option for the second equation:

a) x = 4y - 10: This equation is correct. It represents the statement that the smaller number is 10 less than 4 times the greater number.

b) x = 4y + 10: This equation is not correct because it incorrectly adds 10 to 4 times the greater number.

c) x = 10 - 4y: This equation is not correct because it reverses the relationship stated in the problem.

d) x = (10 - 4)y: This equation is not correct because it incorrectly multiplies (10 - 4) with the greater number.

So, option a) x = 4y - 10 is the correct answer for the second equation.

Therefore, your answer of c) and a) being correct is indeed accurate. Well done!