okay in my powerpoint presentation i have to only have approx. five lines per slide with five words per bulleted item.

i have to describe the ten commandments to a kid that is 9.

i know the following :

the ten commandments, or Decalogue
are like passages that are in form of two stone tablets which have a list of spiritual and important messages that were written by god for mosses. they are commands from god for jews to follow.

how do i fix this. for one slide.
this only one slide. the ten commandments.

*God gave Moses 10 commands

*Basic laws, govern all mankind:
*Love God
*Love Fellow Man

*Laws form basis for Western Civilization

would a child of 9 years old understand these points.

To fix your slide and make it more suitable for a 9-year-old child to understand, here's a suggested revision:

Slide Title: The Ten Commandments

Slide Content:

1. God gave Moses rules.
2. Rules for everyone.
3. Love God.
4. Love others.
5. Helps make a good world.


1. God gave Moses rules: This phrase acknowledges that the Ten Commandments were given to Moses by God.

2. Rules for everyone: Explain that the commandments are not just for a specific group of people, like the Jews, but for all people.

3. Love God: Simplify the commandment "You shall have no other gods before me" to "Love God." This will make it easier for a child to understand the concept of putting God first.

4. Love others: Summarize the commandments related to relationships with others, such as "Honor your parents" and "Do not steal," as "Love others." This simplification helps convey the message of treating others kindly and fairly.

5. Helps make a good world: Emphasize that following the commandments helps create a better world by promoting love, respect, and fairness.

Remember, this is just a suggested revision. You can adapt the language and content based on the child's level of understanding. It's always important to use simple and age-appropriate language when explaining complex concepts to children.