can someone please correct this for me.

i have to graph:

y = 3/4x + 2

so the points i got for plotting is:

then i just connect the points to get the line.

If they plot on a line the answer is correct.

y= 3/4 x + 2 is a line, and all solutions have to be on that line.

yes they are thank you

Yes, the points (-4,-1), (0,2), and (4,5) do lie on the line represented by the equation y = (3/4)x + 2. To verify this, you substituted the x-values (-4, 0, and 4) into the equation and obtained the corresponding y-values (-1, 2, and 5) that match the given points.

To accurately graph a line, it is important to have at least two points plotted on the coordinate plane. By connecting these points with a straight line, you can then graph the equation y = (3/4)x + 2.

It seems that you have correctly plotted the points and connected them to form the line. Well done!