Focusing on the person and their strengths and abilities is a way

adults and children can help a
child with ____________ adjust to
the classroom.
1. special needs
2. behavior problems

Wouldn't it be special needs?
I am confused, because my friend
says I am wrong. She says its
behavior problems.

One of the first things to do with a child with special needs is to do an inventory assessment: strengths and weaknesses. Then design a program to focus on the strengths.

Now for behavior problems, focus on the behavior. Reinforce the positive behavior.

Your question is difficult because children with behavior problems are also special needs kids. That said, the focus of the question seems to be on special needs kids with physical or learning problems, rather than behavioral problems.

To determine the correct answer, it's important to understand the specific context and intention of the question. If the question is referring to children with physical or learning disabilities, then the answer would be "special needs." In this case, the emphasis would be on identifying the child's strengths and abilities, and tailoring the classroom environment and teaching strategies to accommodate their specific needs.

However, if the question is referring to children with behavioral issues or challenges, then the answer would be "behavior problems." In this case, the focus would be on addressing and managing the child's behavior through positive reinforcement and targeted interventions.

It's worth mentioning that children with behavior problems can also have special needs, as behavior issues can be indicative of underlying difficulties or disabilities. Therefore, it's possible for both answers to be correct depending on the interpretation of the question.

To avoid confusion, it might be helpful to clarify the intended meaning with the person who posed the question or consult additional resources for further information on the topic.