I need to make a generator. The really small ones that can light up a very tiny lightbulb. Basically, I need horse shoe magnets, I know that bit, bet im having trouble how to create the coil and wrap the magents, and how to build it. How do I make a coil? I don't want to buy one I want to make one. Can someone explain??

You have to buy wire. I suggest fine magnet wire available at RAdio Shack. Wind it around your finger tips :(two or three fingers) to make the coil.


I suggest start with a motor first. Making a generator is far more difficult.

at which temperature is the oil most viscous?

The viscosity of oil can vary depending on the type and composition of the oil. However, in general, oil becomes more viscous (thicker) as the temperature decreases. This means that as the temperature drops, the oil becomes more resistant to flow and flows more slowly. The specific temperature at which the oil is most viscous, known as the pour point or gel point, varies depending on the type and grade of oil.

To determine the pour point or the temperature at which the oil becomes solid or very thick, you will need to consult the technical specifications provided by the manufacturer, or you can find the information on the oil's safety data sheet (SDS). The pour point is an important property to consider, especially for lubricating oils used in machines and engines, as it can impact their performance in cold weather conditions.

If you are specifically referring to engine oils, many modern engine oils are designed to have a low pour point, meaning they retain their fluidity at low temperatures. This ensures that the oil can effectively lubricate the engine even in cold conditions. It is important to use the recommended oil viscosity grade for your specific vehicle and follow the manufacturer's guidelines for the appropriate temperature range.