I understand now how to do the + and - graph but how would i label the 2 axis. One is for temps but how would i show the objects/subjects? If i was doing + only i would put numbers up the side and object/subjects on the bottom line but with + and - numbers it makes the graph look different. Not sure how to label correctly. Please help.

Horizontal line in the middle. Label 0.
+ is up.
- is down.
Then have at the top of the page (or the bottom) a name for each bar drawn. It will look something like this.

&nbspA &nbsp &nbspB -->etc

I hope this helps. The computer is almost impossible for this.

To correctly label the axes for a graph showing temperatures as well as objects/subjects, you can use a combination of labels and position markers. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Start by drawing a horizontal line in the middle of the graph and label it as "0" (zero). This represents the baseline for temperatures.

2. Since the positive values represent temperatures going up, you can label the upper part of the line with positive numbers. Place the numbers evenly above the line, starting from "1" and counting upwards.

3. Similarly, since the negative values represent temperatures going down, you can label the lower part of the line with negative numbers. Place the numbers evenly below the line, starting from "-1" and counting downwards.

4. Next, you can label the objects/subjects on the horizontal axis. Place the names of the objects or subjects on the bottom line, horizontally aligned with their corresponding data points on the graph. Use letters or symbols to represent each object/subject, e.g., A, B, C.

5. Finally, draw vertical bars on the graph to represent the temperature values for each object/subject. The bars can be positioned based on their temperature values, either above or below the horizontal line.

Remember to include a legend at the top or bottom of the graph to explain the labels and symbols used. You can indicate that the positive direction (upwards) represents increasing temperatures, and the negative direction (downwards) represents decreasing temperatures.

Hope this helps clarify how to label and represent both the temperature and objects/subjects on a graph!