Draw an arrow in the box that shows the direction of the force. Please help. I want to be sure.

W > 0 W = 0 W < 0
___ ____ ____

___ ____ ____

d-> d-> d->

To determine the direction of the force, you need to understand the concept of positive and negative values. In this case, the force can have three possibilities - W > 0, W = 0, or W < 0.

1. If W > 0, it means the force is in the positive direction. So, in your box, you would draw an arrow pointing to the right (→) to represent the force.

2. If W = 0, it means there is no force acting in either direction. In this case, you would not draw an arrow in the box.

3. If W < 0, it means the force is in the negative direction. So, in your box, you would draw an arrow pointing to the left (←) to represent the force.

Based on the information provided, the direction of the force can be shown as follows:

___ → ____ ← ____

___ → ____ ← ____

d-> → d-> ← d->

I hope this explanation helps you properly show the direction of the force in the given box!