155.0 grams of N2 (nitrogen gas) are put in a 4.50L container at 35C. What is the pressure?


n=155/molmassN2 Convert temps to K.

To use the ideal gas law equation (PV = nRT) to solve for the pressure, we need to first calculate the value of n (the number of moles of nitrogen gas).

To find the number of moles (n), we need to divide the mass of the nitrogen gas (155.0 grams) by the molar mass of nitrogen gas (N2). The molar mass of N2 can be found by adding up the atomic masses of nitrogen (N) atoms.

The atomic mass of nitrogen (N) is approximately 14.01 grams/mol. Since nitrogen gas (N2) contains two nitrogen atoms, the molar mass of N2 is:

Molar mass of N2 = 2 * atomic mass of N = 2 * 14.01 g/mol = 28.02 g/mol

Now, we can calculate the number of moles of N2:

n = mass / molar mass
n = 155.0 g / 28.02 g/mol = 5.530 mol

Next, we need to convert the temperature from Celsius to Kelvin. The Kelvin temperature scale is used in the ideal gas law equation. To convert Celsius to Kelvin, we add 273.15 to the Celsius temperature.

Temperature in Kelvin = 35°C + 273.15 = 308.15 K

Now, we have the values needed to calculate the pressure (P). The ideal gas constant (R) is 0.0821 L·atm/(mol·K). We can substitute the values into the equation:

PV = nRT

P * 4.50 L = 5.530 mol * 0.0821 L·atm/(mol·K) * 308.15 K

We can solve for P by dividing both sides of the equation by 4.50 L:

P = (5.530 mol * 0.0821 L·atm/(mol·K) * 308.15 K) / 4.50 L

P = 1231.73 atm

Therefore, the pressure in the 4.50L container with 155.0 grams of N2 at 35°C is approximately 1231.73 atm.