Posted by bailey on Monday, January 8, 2007 at 8:32pm.

Posted by bailey on Monday, January 8, 2007 at 2:12pm.

The area of a rectangular blanket in square centimetersis 40x^2+2x-65. The width is 4x-5cm^2. Find the dimensions of the blanket in terms of x.

Can someone plz help with this? I've posted it a few times now!

use a calculater

You know that area=width*height. You are given area and width. so height = (40x^2+2x-65) / (4x-5)

__10x_+ 13______________
4x-5 | 40x^2 + 2x - 65
52x - 65
-(52x - 65)

Thus the length is 10x + 13 and the length is 4x-5

To check, multiply these together with FOIL

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Would you like to tell me how I'm supposed to use a calculator to solve this problem when I have no idea how to even attempt to start solving this probem?!

thats mean

And how is that mean? It does not help me one little bit to tell to use a calculator. I needed help with the problem and that answer nor yours was helpful. OK

I apologize if my initial response was not helpful. Let me explain step by step how to solve the problem without using a calculator.

Given: Area of blanket = 40x^2 + 2x - 65
Width = 4x - 5 cm^2

To find the dimensions of the blanket in terms of x, we need to find the length.

Step 1: Divide the area by the width to find the length.
We have: length = (40x^2 + 2x - 65) / (4x - 5)

Step 2: Perform polynomial division.
To divide (40x^2 + 2x - 65) by (4x - 5), we can use polynomial long division.

----10x_+ 13_____________
4x - 5 | 40x^2 + 2x - 65
- (40x^2 - 50x)
52x - 65

The remainder is 52x - 65.

Now, the answer can be written as:
Length = 10x + 13
Width = 4x - 5

To check, you can multiply the length and width together using the FOIL method:
(10x + 13) * (4x - 5) = 40x^2 - 50x + 52x - 65 = 40x^2 + 2x - 65

Therefore, the dimensions of the blanket in terms of x are:
Length = 10x + 13
Width = 4x - 5

I hope this explanation helps you understand the steps involved in solving the problem.