I've done the reading in textbooks and the web sites that were provided for me by the teacher and by tutors. The problem is I am not comprehending what makes up the hinduism relgion?

can someone explain it to me please. I keep reading over and over and I still don't get it. Its not that dumb or anything I just don't understand.

If you read this carefully, it is clear that there is no one central belief system for Hinduism ("a conglomerate of diverse beliefs and traditions"). It is a collection of beliefs developed over a very long period of time.

Similar to the above.

So if you are looking for a single, easily explainable concept, it won't happen. This religion (if that's even an accurate term) is so old and consists of so many different ideas that the complexity makes it difficult for outsiders to comprehend.

Don't beat yourself up over this. Just read what you have been given, including these two sites and the ones you were given before by Bobpursley, and then write up what you do understand.

If you want to post your write-up, someone here will be happy to give you feedback to the best of our abilities.


Well because i was looking for the actual one answer now that you say that there isn't one then what would the teacher asks about what makes up the hindu religion. yes i will post up my essay for editing. but then what would be somthing that the teacher wants to hear of what makes up the hindu religion.because i just can't say there isn't a specific answer for it only believes.

thank you mswriteacher and bobpursly . its just me that i don't understand i guess its just difficult i don't know why....

You might want to include some reasoning why hindu is more of a life style /outlook than religion. Your teacher may not know that.

what makes up religion

Religion is a complex term that encompasses various aspects, including beliefs, practices, rituals, values, and traditions. When discussing what makes up a religion, it is important to consider these different elements.

Beliefs: The core of any religion lies in its beliefs. Religions often outline concepts about the nature of the universe, the existence of a higher power or powers, the purpose of life, and the afterlife. For Hinduism, there are various beliefs, such as the existence of multiple gods and goddesses, reincarnation, and the idea of karma.

Practices and Rituals: Religious practices and rituals are the actions and ceremonies performed by followers of a particular faith. These can include prayers, meditation, offerings, pilgrimages, and specific observances. In Hinduism, there are numerous rituals associated with worship, including daily prayers, temple visits, and participation in festivals and holy occasions.

Values and Ethics: Religion often provides a moral framework and ethical guidelines for its followers. It guides behavior and shapes the values and principles individuals adhere to. Hinduism emphasizes values such as compassion, non-violence, truthfulness, and self-discipline.

Traditions and Cultural Elements: Religion is deeply intertwined with culture, and traditions play a significant role in its expression. Hinduism has a rich cultural heritage, including diverse customs, art, music, dance, literature, and cuisine, all of which contribute to its identity.

Community and Social Structure: Religions often provide a sense of belonging and community. They establish social structures and networks that promote fellowship and support among their adherents. Hinduism has a complex social structure, with caste divisions and specific roles and responsibilities associated with each caste.

Spirituality and Personal Experience: Religion encompasses spirituality and personal experiences of the divine or transcendent. It offers individuals ways to connect with the sacred, seek enlightenment, and find meaning in life. Hinduism provides various paths to spiritual realization, such as Bhakti (devotion), Karma (action), Jnana (knowledge), and Yoga (union).

It is important to remember that Hinduism, being a vast and ancient religion, is not easily reduced to one concise explanation. Its diversity, complexity, and ability to accommodate a wide range of beliefs and practices make it challenging to define in a single answer.