would anyone know an excellent school website or organization that i can send questions to and that they will reply. such as for religions (on hinduism)

Why would you want that? Surely you don't want someone to do your homework for you.

Now a note about your name: You always have to worry about internet safety. NEVER put your name or identifing words that identify who you are on any internet post. Thanks.

Kailin, we have been helping students with religion questions by giving them the resources to locate the answers they need. We will be happy to help you too.

thanks for the note.

I know that you guys are busy and i know that by when my sister gets help. I can do the reading etc. I just don't know what will actually be good websites that are credited because my paper needs to be inform of APA. and i also like to know the good information not just something from a made up webpage. If your not too busy what actually makes up the hindu religion. I've done the reading in wikipedia and a couple other websites but i don't know how to define it so i can understand it.

Kailin, these two sites have several very good, clear definitions of Hinduism. After you read them, if there is something that you are still confused about, please let us know specifically. We will be happy to help.



Sure thing, Kailin! When looking for reliable and credible sources for information on Hinduism, you can try these two websites:

1. Answers.com - The website provides a comprehensive overview of Hinduism, including its beliefs, practices, gods, and religious texts. It can be a good starting point for understanding the basics of the religion. However, be cautious with information presented by user-generated content as it may not always be accurate or reliable.

2. About.com - The Hinduism section on About.com offers well-researched articles and resources on various aspects of Hinduism. The website has knowledgeable contributors who curate content to provide accurate and reliable information. You can find introductory articles, definitions, and explanations that can help you grasp the key concepts of Hinduism.

Remember, when conducting research, it's always a good practice to verify the information through multiple sources. You can cross-reference the information you find on these websites with academic sources, books, and articles from recognized scholars and experts in the field. This will ensure that you have a well-rounded understanding of Hinduism and can write your paper in accordance with APA style guidelines.