In The Great Gatsby, I have been assigned a study guide and some of the questions are very hard. One is "Why is the catalog of Gatsby's guests included?"

These sites should be of some help.

To answer the question "Why is the catalog of Gatsby's guests included?" in The Great Gatsby, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the chapter(s) in which the catalog of Gatsby's guests is mentioned. Pay attention to specific details and descriptions.

2. Pay close attention to the context in which the catalog of Gatsby's guests is included. Is it mentioned in a particular scene or event? What is the purpose of the catalog within the narrative?

3. Look for any clues or hints provided by the author or other characters in the story. Analyze their motivations and intentions behind including the catalog of guests.

4. Consider the larger themes and motifs of the novel. How does the catalog of Gatsby's guests contribute to these themes? Does it serve as a commentary on social class, wealth, or the American Dream?

5. Consult literary discussion guides, such as the ones provided in the websites you mentioned, to gather different viewpoints and interpretations on the significance of the catalog of Gatsby's guests. These guides often include analysis and explanations from scholars and experts, which can help you form a well-rounded understanding of the question.

By following these steps and utilizing the study guides you mentioned, you should be able to develop a comprehensive answer to the question about the catalog of Gatsby's guests in The Great Gatsby.