Please help! I need a good website for HEAT in science! I'm in 8grade and I need info on heat

Great! It looks like you're looking for a good website to find information on heat in science. One highly recommended website for this topic is "School for Champions." Specifically, you can find information on heat in science at the following URL:

To access the information, simply click on the provided link. Once you're on the website, you'll see various sections dedicated to explaining the concept of heat. You can explore topics such as the different forms of heat transfer (conduction, convection, and radiation), how heat affects matter, and the definition of specific heat.

The website "School for Champions" is known for providing clear and concise explanations, making it suitable for students in the 8th grade. Additionally, it covers a wide range of scientific topics beyond just heat, allowing you to further explore different areas of science if you're interested.

Remember, when using any website for research, it's always a good idea to critically evaluate the information presented. Cross-reference the information you find with other reliable sources to ensure accuracy and get a comprehensive understanding of the topic.