22and9/10's - 18and2/5=?

You need to get the same denominator in the fractions. 2/5 = ? / 10

Then subtract the fractions and the whole numbers.

If you post your answer, we'll be glad to check it for you.

Raven: Please don't post your entire name on any website, or reveal personal information. The world is a dangerous place. Please discuss this with your mom.

To solve the given equation, let's first convert both fractions to have the same denominator. The common denominator here is 10.

To convert 18 and 2/5 into a fraction with the denominator 10, we multiply the whole number (18) by the denominator (10), which gives us 180. Then we add the numerator (2) to get a total of 182. So, 18 and 2/5 is equivalent to 182/10.

Now that both fractions have the same denominator, we can subtract them:

(22 and 9/10) - (18 and 2/5)
=(22 + 9/10) - (18 + 2/5)
= 22 + 9/10 - 18 - 2/5

Next, let's subtract the whole numbers separately:
22 - 18 = 4

For the fractions, we can subtract them since they have the same denominator:
9/10 - 2/5
To subtract fractions with the same denominator, we subtract the numerators and keep the denominator:
(9 - 2)/10 = 7/10

Putting it all together:
4 + 7/10

Thus, the answer to the equation is 4 and 7/10 or 4.7.