Would the following example be a

behavioral objective,curriculum guide,
anecdotal observation,or lesson plan?

Miss Kine realized that Cameron never
chose to play in the housekeeping area.
She thought about ways that would encourage Cameron to choose this area.
In her wekly notes,Miss Kine wrote the
following:Suggest that Amanda,Cameron's
closet friend,invite Cameron to dress up
in the ballet costumes at the
housekeeping center. Miss Kine had written a/an ______________.

Would this be a behavioral objective?

It looks like it. It is designed for a specific person, so it is not a curriculum guide or a lesson plan. Since it has not already occurred, it is not an anectdotal observation.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To determine if the given example is a behavioral objective, it is important to understand what a behavioral objective is. A behavioral objective is a specific statement that clearly defines what the learner is expected to accomplish or demonstrate as a result of instruction or a learning activity.

In the given example, Miss Kine is suggesting that Amanda (Cameron's closet friend) invite Cameron to dress up in the ballet costumes at the housekeeping center. This suggestion is intended to encourage Cameron to choose the housekeeping area to play.

Based on this information, it can be concluded that the statement made by Miss Kine is a behavioral objective. It specifies a desired behavior (Cameron choosing to play in the housekeeping area) and provides a strategy (Amanda inviting Cameron to dress up in the ballet costumes) to achieve that behavior.

Therefore, the correct answer is that Miss Kine had written a behavioral objective.