a filter tip or a cigarette acts as both a filter and a condenser. which of the following cannot be removed, assuming the filter tip is 100% efficient?

a. carbon monoxide, boiling point -191 degrees.
b. nicotine, boiling point 247 degrees.
c. tar, boiling point 350 to 400 degrees.
d. water, boiling point 100 degrees.

The filter of a cigarette is probably around 50 C when it is being smoked. Any compounds with a lower boiling point will evaporate and NOT be effectively removed by the filter.

What is a process within the cell of an organism that uses glucose and oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy called?

The process within the cell of an organism that uses glucose and oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy is called cellular respiration. It is the primary pathway for generating energy (in the form of ATP) for cellular functions. Cellular respiration occurs in several stages, including glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation.