Can someone look over this essay and peer edit it for me? Just the basic grammar/spelling/structure of the essay would be great. It's on why I believe the the civil war broke out for history. Pay no attention to the formatting. Thank you. :-)

The Civil War was inevitable from the moment the United States was formed. With two group of people with completely different views and opinions on subjects that define a nation living in the same country, the war was bound to happen. But what events directly lead to a full out war between the north and south? The Dred Scott Decision, Lincoln being elected president, Uncle Tom’s Cabin being published, John Brown, South exporting more than the North, and the geographical differences between the North and the South directly contributed in starting this war. These political, social, and economical events led to the full out war to shape the county that we live in today.

To answer your question, I can guide you on how to find someone to peer edit your essay for basic grammar, spelling, and structure. Here are a few steps you can take:

1. Reach out to classmates or friends: Ask if anyone you know would be willing to read your essay and provide feedback. It is often helpful to receive input from someone familiar with the assignment or subject matter.

2. Join a writing group or find a writing partner: Look for local or online writing groups where you can connect with other writers who are interested in exchanging feedback. Alternatively, you can find a writing partner who is willing to review your work and vice versa.

3. Utilize online platforms: There are platforms available that allow you to connect with editors or proofreaders who provide services for a fee. Websites like Fiverr, Upwork, or Freelancer offer a range of professionals who can review your essay and provide the necessary editing support.

4. Approach your instructor or a tutor: If you are a student, consider reaching out to your instructor or a writing tutor at your school or university. They may be willing to review your essay and help you improve its grammar, spelling, and structure.

Remember to clearly communicate your expectations and provide any specific areas you want the editor to focus on when requesting feedback. Good luck with the revision process!