Has anyone ever used Equation Editor ? If so how would you do for instance graphing on it for the following equation x>4. I know how to graph it on paper etc. BUt using this program i do not.

Yes, Equation Editor is a program that allows you to create and edit mathematical equations. To graph the equation x > 4 using Equation Editor, you can follow these steps:

1. Open Equation Editor: Launch the Equation Editor program on your computer. It is usually found in the Microsoft Office suite under the "Insert" tab.

2. Create the inequality: Begin by typing the equation x > 4 into the Equation Editor interface.

3. Choose a graphing option: Equation Editor does not have direct graphing capabilities. However, you can represent the inequality symbolically using brackets and labels to indicate the shaded region above the line x = 4.

4. Use brackets to represent the inequality: To represent x > 4 as a bracketed region, you can type [4,\infty) in Equation Editor. The [ symbolizes a closed bracket (including the value) at x = 4, while the ( symbolizes an open bracket (excluding the value) towards infinity.

5. Add labels and descriptions: You can further clarify the graph by labeling the x-axis, y-axis, and adding a title. For example, you can add a label "x" under the x-axis, a label "y" under the y-axis, and a title "Graph of x > 4."

6. Adjust formatting: Equation Editor provides various formatting options such as changing font size, style, and color. You can experiment with these settings to customize the appearance of your graph.

7. Save or export the graph: Once you are satisfied with the graph, you can save it within your Equation Editor document or export it as an image file to use elsewhere.

Keep in mind that Equation Editor is primarily designed for creating and editing mathematical equations rather than graphing. For more advanced graphing and visualization capabilities, you might consider using specialized graphing software or tools like Microsoft Excel, GeoGebra, or Desmos. These programs often provide more comprehensive features for graphing equations.