what is the rock name

a beach becomes covered wit water and additional layers of sediment.


The rock you are referring to is sandstone. Sandstone is a sedimentary rock that is formed from the consolidation and compaction of sand particles. To understand how sandstone is formed, let's break it down step by step:

1. Weathering and Erosion: The process begins with weathering and erosion of pre-existing rocks, where the rocks are broken down into smaller fragments, including sand particles.

2. Transportation: The newly formed sand particles are then transported by various means, such as wind, water, or ice. In the case of a beach, the sand is typically transported by water, specifically ocean waves.

3. Deposition: As the waves crash onto the beach, the water carries the sand particles and deposits them on the shoreline. Over time, multiple layers of sand may accumulate due to repeated cycles of wave action.

4. Compaction and Cementation: As more layers of sand accumulate, the weight from the overlying sediment compacts the lower layers. The compaction process squeezes out the air and water between the sand particles, making them more tightly packed.

5. Cementation: The compaction process is often followed by cementation, where minerals in the groundwater seep into the spaces between the sand particles and bind them together. This cementation process helps to solidify the sand into a rock.

In this particular scenario you described, a beach becoming covered with water and additional layers of sediment, the accumulation of sand layers gets buried under water and more sediment deposits. Over time, with the compaction and cementation of these layers, the sand turns into sandstone.