Where can I find a place to translate German?

Search on google or here under foreign languages click german.

Here is one translation website, but be careful -- machine translators are often inaccurate.



Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Trust us on this one! Translation sites are so stilted, incorrect and will NEVER get the nuances of a language! Besides that fact, you will NOT learn a language with a translation site!

Here is how to use a dictionary. Take the English word you want in German and "walk" it through ALL these steps with a good bilingual dictionary. 1. Look for all the German translations and write those down. 2. Take each German word and look that up for the primary, secondarly, terciary meaning in English. 3. Now select the best translation, depending upon the context, and post what you have done for someone competent in German to proofread it for you. You need to pay attention to the part of speech, word order, etc. There is NO SHORTCUT to good learning!

Post it here. If it isn't too long, my wife and I can help you. I do the easy ones; she is a native speaker.

One of the machine sites not mentioned is
It is better than babelfish, but still pretty bad.

What does the word Jes.38.17 in German mean?

To find the meaning of the word "Jes.38.17" in German, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the format: The word appears to be a reference to a specific verse in the Bible. The format indicates the book "Jesaja" (German for Isaiah), chapter 38, and verse 17.

2. Open a Bible or Bible translation website: You can use physical copies of the Bible or online resources like bible.com or biblehub.com.

3. Navigate to the book of Isaiah: Find the book of Isaiah in your Bible or on the website. In German, it is referred to as "Jesaja."

4. Locate chapter 38: Go to chapter 38 of the book of Isaiah.

5. Find verse 17: Look for verse 17 within chapter 38.

6. Read the German translation: Once you have found the verse, read the German translation provided in your Bible or on the website. The translation will give you the meaning of the word or phrase in the verse.

It is important to note that "Jes.38.17" is not a standalone word in German, but a reference to a verse in the Bible, requiring you to locate the verse and read the translation in order to understand its meaning in German.