what is the difference between mass and volume?

Mass is how much an object weighs. Volume is the amount of space the object takes up.

To find the mass of an object, you need to measure its weight. This can be done using a scale or balance. Place the object on the scale and read the measurement displayed. Mass is typically measured in units such as grams or kilograms.

On the other hand, volume relates to the amount of space occupied by an object. There are various ways to measure volume, depending on the object's shape. For regular-shaped objects like cubes or rectangular prisms, you can use a ruler to measure their length, width, and height. Then, multiply these three dimensions together to find the volume. The unit of volume is commonly cubic units such as cubic centimeters (cm³) or liters (L).

For irregular-shaped objects, you can measure their volume using methods like water displacement. Fill a container with a known volume of water, note the initial volume, and then submerge the object in the water. Measure the new volume, and the difference is the volume of the object.

In summary, mass refers to the amount of matter in an object, measured in units of weight. Volume, on the other hand, represents the space occupied by an object, measured in units of cubic dimensions.