Use the diagramming method for identifying the argument structure of the following: "The Democrats tend to be to the left on social policy, and the new Congress is controlled by the Democrats, so we can expect a swing to the left. Of course, there are always exceptions."

To identify the argument structure using the diagramming method, we need to break down the given statement into its main claims and connect them logically. Here's how we can do it:

1. Identify the main conclusion(s):
- We can expect a swing to the left.

2. Identify the premises (subordinate claims) that support the main conclusion(s):
- The Democrats tend to be to the left on social policy.
- The new Congress is controlled by the Democrats.

3. Connect the premises to the conclusion with arrows to represent logical relationships:

Democrats tend to be
to the left on social
The new Congress is
controlled by the Democrats ----> We can expect a swing to the left

4. Account for any additional notes or exceptions:
- There are always exceptions.

It's important to note that the diagramming method is a visual way to represent the logical structure of an argument. By breaking down the statement into its main claims and their connections, we can better understand the reasoning behind it.