Nuclear power is from ___________.

What word(s) goes in the blank?

The bonding energy in the atomic nucleus.

Thanks! :)

caley you have to be looking at this please talk to me

The word that goes in the blank is "nuclear reactions" or "reactions within the atomic nucleus."

Nuclear power is generated through a process called nuclear fission, which involves splitting the nucleus of an atom, typically a heavy element like uranium or plutonium. In this process, the strong forces that hold the atomic nucleus together are overcome, resulting in the release of a significant amount of energy. This energy can be harnessed to generate electricity in nuclear power plants.

The key to understanding nuclear power is the concept of binding energy. Inside the atomic nucleus, protons and neutrons are held together by the strong nuclear force. The energy required to separate these particles is known as the binding energy. During a nuclear reaction, such as fission, a small amount of the binding energy is converted into usable energy in the form of heat.

To summarize, nuclear power is derived from nuclear reactions, specifically the release of energy from the atomic nucleus through processes like nuclear fission.