1) fortuitous is to adventitious as

a) egregious is to inconsequential
b) callow is to unctuous
c) cadaverous is to florid
d) recondite is to arcane


Go through the steps (click on Begin) in this tutorial to learn how to solve analogy questions.


i lied i don't know

To solve analogy questions, we need to understand the relationship between the words given in the first pair and find a word in the second pair that has a similar relationship. Let's go through the steps outlined in the tutorial you provided to solve this particular analogy.

Step 1: Read the words in the first pair - "fortuitous is to adventitious."
"Fortuitous" means happening by chance or accident. "Adventitious" means happening by chance or accident as well.

Step 2: Understand the relationship between the words in the first pair. In this case, both words have a similar meaning and are related to something happening by chance or accident.

Now, we will look for a similar relationship between the words in the second pair.

a) Egregious means outstandingly bad or shocking. Inconsequential means not important or significant. These two words do not have a similar relationship to the first pair.

b) Callow means inexperienced or immature. Unctuous means excessively flattering or ingratiating. These two words also do not have a similar relationship.

c) Cadaverous means pale, gaunt, or resembling a corpse. Florid means having a red or flushed complexion. These two words also do not have a similar relationship.

d) Recondite means difficult to understand or obscure. Arcane means mysterious or secret. These two words have a similar relationship to the first pair. Both words imply something that is difficult to understand or hidden.

Therefore, the correct answer is (d) recondite is to arcane.

By going through the steps outlined in the tutorial and analyzing the relationships between the given words, we were able to arrive at the correct answer.