Factors that increase the secretion of antidiuretic hormone include all of the following except:

a)increased osmolarity of the ECF
b) decreased renal blood flow
c) increased concentration of potassium ions in the ICF
d) increased concentration of sodium ions in the ECF
e) water deprivation

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To answer this question, we need to understand the factors that influence the secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH). ADH is a hormone released by the pituitary gland that helps regulate water balance in the body by increasing water reabsorption in the kidneys.

Let's go through each option and determine if it increases or decreases the secretion of ADH:

a) Increased osmolarity of the ECF: This refers to an increase in the concentration of solutes (such as salts) in the extracellular fluid. High osmolarity acts as a stimulus for ADH secretion since it signals the body to conserve water. So, increased osmolarity of the ECF would increase ADH secretion.

b) Decreased renal blood flow: Renal blood flow refers to the blood supply to the kidneys. When renal blood flow decreases, it is perceived as a decrease in blood volume, signaling the release of ADH to conserve water. Therefore, decreased renal blood flow would increase ADH secretion.

c) Increased concentration of potassium ions in the ICF: The concentration of potassium ions within the intracellular fluid (ICF) does not directly influence ADH secretion. Therefore, it does not increase the secretion of ADH.

d) Increased concentration of sodium ions in the ECF: Similar to increased osmolarity, an increased concentration of sodium ions in the extracellular fluid (ECF) also signals dehydration and the need to retain water. As a result, increased concentration of sodium ions in the ECF would increase ADH secretion.

e) Water deprivation: When the body is deprived of water, it triggers a response to conserve water. This leads to an increased secretion of ADH to reduce urine production. Therefore, water deprivation would increase ADH secretion.

From the options given, option c) increased concentration of potassium ions in the ICF is the factor that does not increase the secretion of ADH.