Can you provide me with an example?

Sandra, We need to know what you need an example of. Then we will be happy to help.

Certainly! I can provide an example to help you understand how to solve a math problem using the distributive property.

Let's say you have the expression 3(x + 2). To simplify this expression, you need to distribute the 3 to both terms inside the parentheses.

Start by multiplying 3 with x: 3 * x = 3x.

Next, multiply 3 with 2: 3 * 2 = 6.

Now you have the simplified expression: 3x + 6.

So, when you see an expression like 3(x + 2), you can use the distributive property to simplify it to 3x + 6.

Remember, to use the distributive property, you multiply each term inside the parentheses with the term outside the parentheses. It's a useful tool in algebra!