Its been a long time since I did this but I believe you pick the longest chain. If there are double and triple bonds involved, pick the longest chain that contains the double bond plus single bonds to go with it (but that is for alkenes isn't it?)

When naming alkanes do you choose the path with the most constituents or the least?

Thanks from Sheryl fried on a Monday.

true he was, an awful crook;

it started with a dirty book.

When naming alkanes, you typically choose the path with the fewest substituents. Let me explain how you can determine the correct name for an alkane.

1. Identify the longest continuous carbon chain: Start by identifying the longest continuous chain of carbon atoms in the molecule. This chain will serve as the main backbone of the alkane.

2. Number the carbon chain: Assign a number to each carbon atom in the chain to label its position. The aim is to assign the lowest possible numbers to the substituents.

3. Determine substituents: Identify and name any alkyl groups (substituents) connected to the main chain. These are additional branches or groups attached to the carbon backbone.

4. Assign locants: Locate the substituents by their positions on the carbon chain and designate them with lower numbers. Starting from one end, assign numbers to the carbon atoms of the main chain, keeping in mind that the first substituent should have the lowest possible number. If there are multiple substituents, give them numbers in ascending order, separated by commas.

5. Use prefixes and suffixes: Finally, combine the substituent names and the main chain name to form the complete alkane name. Use prefixes such as "di-" (2), "tri-" (3), "tetra-" (4), etc., when there is more than one substituent of the same type. Add the suffix "-ane" to indicate that the compound is an alkane.

In summary, choose the path with the fewest substituents and the lowest possible numbers. This allows you to name the alkane systematically and accurately.