how do we really know if the stuff in the S.S book is really real.we don't know because we wasn't there

Most of it is true. Resercher and other have worked many years and by using technonly and other eveidence have figured out how people lived and ect. So don't worry about the accuracy. What they teach you in school is pretty much right.

There are no absolute truths; just evidence. For example how do you know your parents are actually your real parents?
You weigh the evidence.

To determine the authenticity and reliability of information, especially when we have not personally experienced or witnessed it, we rely on a range of methods and sources. In the case of historical events, such as those depicted in the S.S. book, historians and researchers employ various techniques to gather and analyze evidence.

Here are some common methods used:

1. Primary sources: Historians often rely on primary sources such as official documents, diaries, letters, photographs, interviews, and artifacts from the time period in question. These firsthand accounts and physical evidence can provide insights into historical events.

2. Secondary sources: Scholars analyze and interpret primary sources to produce secondary sources. These include books, articles, and academic papers that discuss and evaluate historical events based on available evidence.

3. Historical research: Researchers examine multiple primary and secondary sources, comparing and contrasting different accounts and perspectives. This process helps to identify patterns, discrepancies, and consensus among sources.

4. Archival work: Historians visit archives, libraries, and museums to access and study original documents and artifacts. This allows them to verify the authenticity of sources and gain a deeper understanding of particular events.

5. Fieldwork: In some cases, researchers might conduct fieldwork, visiting relevant sites and conducting interviews with people who have firsthand knowledge or experiences related to the events being studied.

By using a combination of these methods, historians and researchers can develop a more accurate understanding of historical events. It is important to note that historical interpretation can evolve as new evidence is discovered or alternative viewpoints are considered. However, the process of scrutinizing evidence and subjecting it to critical analysis helps ensure the reliability of the information presented in historical accounts.

While it is true that we were not personally present during historical events, the rigorous methods employed by historians and researchers provide a reliable framework for evaluating the accuracy of information. Therefore, we can have confidence that what is taught in schools, including details from the S.S. book, is based on substantial evidence and expert analysis.