what is an electromagnetic wave comprised of?

Electromagnetic waves consist of electric and magnetic fields in which each kind of field generates the other to keep the structure propagating through empty space at the speed of light.

WOW! You posted this before I was born!!!!!!!!!!! :0

To understand what an electromagnetic wave is comprised of, we need to explore the basics of electric and magnetic fields.

An electric field is a region of space around an electrically charged particle or object where it exerts a force on other charged particles or objects. It arises from the attraction or repulsion between charged particles. This electric field is characterized by its strength and direction at any given point.

Similarly, a magnetic field is a region of space around a magnet or a moving charged particle where it exerts a force on magnetic materials or moving charges. Magnetic fields are created by the movement of electrical charges (currents) or by the intrinsic magnetic properties of certain materials. Like electric fields, magnetic fields also have strength and direction at any point in space.

Now, an electromagnetic wave is a form of energy that is produced by the acceleration of electric charges. When an electric charge is accelerated, it generates a changing electric field, which in turn generates a changing magnetic field. These alternating electric and magnetic fields then combine and propagate through space as an electromagnetic wave.

In other words, an electromagnetic wave consists of oscillating electric and magnetic fields that are perpendicular to each other, propagating through empty space or a medium at the speed of light. The electromagnetic wave is self-sustaining, meaning that the changing electric field generates a changing magnetic field and vice versa, enabling the wave to travel indefinitely.

This combined nature of electric and magnetic fields in electromagnetic waves is governed by Maxwell's equations, which describe the behavior of these fields and their interaction with charged particles.

So, an electromagnetic wave is comprised of both electric and magnetic fields that continuously generate and sustain each other as the wave propagates through space.