What does the use of imagery add to the mood of a poem?

it lets you sortof see what's going on

If you can recall a common feeling with a few words like lost cellphone or blazing sunset or lemon yellow, you can be fairly certian your reader is experiencing what you were when you wrote it. the more intricate the discription of the image gets the more certian you can be that most readers will see it, but you may kill the poem with detail too.

I think it makes you feel and sense the meaning of the words:

Here is an example...

and no one responded sad

As I look at this 2006!

The use of imagery in a poem adds depth and richness to the overall mood and meaning of the piece. Imagery refers to the use of vivid and descriptive language that appeals to the senses, such as sight, taste, touch, smell, and sound. By incorporating sensory details, the poet creates a more immersive experience for the reader, essentially allowing them to see and feel what the poet is describing.

Imagery helps to evoke emotions and create a certain atmosphere within the poem. It allows the reader to connect with the words on a more personal level, as they can relate to the sensory experiences being described. For example, a poem that uses imagery to describe a gloomy, rainy day might evoke feelings of sadness or nostalgia in the reader.

In the example you provided, the poem "Counting the Mad" by Donald Justice, imagery plays a crucial role in conveying the theme and mood of the poem. The vivid descriptions of the patients in the asylum and their surroundings create a sense of confinement and despair. The detailed imagery helps the reader to visualize the scene and empathize with the emotions being expressed.

To incorporate imagery into your own writing, start by focusing on sensory details and specific descriptions. Think about how you can engage the reader's senses and create a vivid mental image. Consider using metaphors, similes, and other figurative language to enhance your descriptions. Experiment with different words and phrases to find the ones that best capture the mood and meaning you want to convey.