When we are evaluating an issue and we have considered everything, what three choices do we have as to what we decide on what the person(s) has claimed????

My guess:
1 complete acceptance
2 partial acceptance
3 complete rejection
warning I never took this class. My termanology is probably incorrect

When evaluating an issue and considering everything, we typically have three choices regarding what the person(s) has claimed:

1. Complete acceptance: This means we fully agree with the claim made by the person(s) and find it to be true and credible based on the evidence and information presented. It indicates that there is no doubt or skepticism regarding the claim.

2. Partial acceptance: In some cases, we may find that certain elements or aspects of the claim are valid and supported by evidence, while others may be questionable or lack sufficient evidence. This choice acknowledges the validity of some parts of the claim while remaining skeptical or uncertain about other parts.

3. Complete rejection: This choice involves completely dismissing or rejecting the claim made by the person(s) based on the evidence and information gathered. It signifies that there is no convincing evidence or support for the claim and that it is not considered credible or plausible.

It's worth noting that these choices may vary depending on the situation, context, and the available evidence or information. Also, keep in mind that this is a general approach, and there may be additional nuanced options depending on the specific issue being evaluated.