what is parrallel structure?

Parallel structure is making sure that all parts of a series or other sentence constructions are using nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc., in the same order. There are some excellent examples here:

Be sure to scroll down to see the examples (in a chart).



Parallel structure, also known as parallelism, is a grammatical concept that involves using consistent structure and formatting within a sentence or a series of items. It ensures that similar parts of a sentence or a list are presented in a balanced and harmonious manner, thereby improving clarity and readability.

To better understand parallel structure, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the elements you want to make parallel. This could be a list of items, verbs, adjectives, or phrases.

2. Make sure that the parallel elements are grammatically and structurally similar. They should use the same grammatical form, such as nouns with nouns, verbs with verbs, and so on. For example:

- Non-parallel structure: She likes hiking, cooking, and to read.
- Parallel structure: She likes hiking, cooking, and reading.

3. Check that the parallel elements are placed in the same order and follow the same pattern throughout the sentence or series. For example:

- Non-parallel structure: He enjoys swimming, to ride a bike, and going for a run.
- Parallel structure: He enjoys swimming, riding a bike, and going for a run.

4. Verify that any coordinating conjunctions (such as "and," "or," "but," etc.) are used consistently between the parallel elements. For example:

- Non-parallel structure: She is studying both biology and wants to become a writer.
- Parallel structure: She is studying both biology and creative writing.

By ensuring parallel structure in your writing, you can improve clarity and readability, making your sentences more effective and engaging for the reader.

Parallel structure, also known as parallelism, is a grammatical term that refers to the use of consistent grammatical forms or patterns in a sentence or a series of sentences. It involves using the same or similar structure for words, phrases, or clauses that are in the same grammatical category.

In simpler terms, parallel structure means that items listed in a series or elements of a sentence should be written in a consistent grammatical form. This can include using the same verb tense, using the same type of sentence structure, or maintaining a consistent pattern of words or phrases.

For example, consider the following sentence:

"I like running, swimming, and to play tennis."

This sentence does not exhibit parallel structure because it mixes different forms of verb phrases (running, swimming, and to play). To ensure parallel structure, the sentence could be revised to:

"I like running, swimming, and playing tennis."

In this revised version, all the items in the series (running, swimming, playing) use the -ing form of the verb, which makes the sentence parallel.

Parallel structure is important because it helps create clarity and flow in writing or speaking. It improves readability and makes it easier for the reader or listener to understand the intended meaning of the sentence.