Really need your guys help! Please answer! I cant figure it out!

Chapter 12-
1) Why is percival unable to remember his name and address?
2) What does Ralph say to the twins when they refuse to help him?

I would be so grateful if you helped me out! :D

As one of the two smallest littleuns, Percival's ability to recite his name and address as he has been taught is a sign of the morals and civilized manners ingrained in him by nurturing in his...

1) In order to find the answer to why Percival is unable to remember his name and address, you can refer to the provided link ( that provides a summary of chapter 12 of the book "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding. By reading this summary, you can find the specific details and explanations of Percival's memory loss.

2) Similarly, to know what Ralph says to the twins when they refuse to help him, you can access the same link ( and read the summary of chapter 12. The provided summary will explain the dialogue and provide the necessary information.

By using this resource, you will be able to find accurate and detailed answers to your questions.