A fraction is equivelant to 4/5. The sum of the numerator and the denominator of the fractionis 36. What is the fraction?

The fraction is 4x/5x where x is a number. You have that 4x + 5x=36, so solve for x, then you have what 4*x is and 5*x.

The answer for "x" is 4
divide both sides by 9

check: 4*4+5*4=36

x + y = 36
x/y = .80
.80y + y = 36
1.8y = 36/y = 20
x = 16


To find the fraction, we need to solve the equation 4x + 5x = 36, where x is a number.

Combining like terms, we have 9x = 36.

Dividing both sides by 9, we get x = 4.

Now that we know the value of x, we can substitute it back into the equation to find the numerator and denominator of the fraction.

The numerator is 4x = 4*4 = 16.
The denominator is 5x = 5*4 = 20.

Therefore, the fraction is 16/20, which can be simplified as 4/5.