Plants have cells that contain chloroplasts. Why must their cells contain mitochondria as well?

Chloroplasts are the sites of photosynthesis. Mitochrodria is the site of energy synthesis.

first if all u posed that when my sister was born second of all ur probs graduated by now lol


I’m just here for an answer

ill friend ur Roblox bestie

Plants require both chloroplasts and mitochondria because they perform different functions that are essential for the plant's survival and growth.

Chloroplasts are responsible for photosynthesis, which is the process by which plants convert sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into glucose (a form of sugar) and oxygen. This occurs in specialized structures within the cells called chloroplasts, which contain a pigment called chlorophyll that captures sunlight. The chlorophyll molecules use the energy from sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose, which is then used as a source of energy for the plant.

While chloroplasts are primarily responsible for producing energy-rich molecules (glucose) through photosynthesis, they do not provide all the energy needs of the plant. This is where mitochondria come into play. Mitochondria are known as the "powerhouses" of the cell because they are responsible for generating the energy currency of the cell, called ATP (adenosine triphosphate), through a process called cellular respiration.

In cellular respiration, mitochondria break down glucose and other organic molecules derived from photosynthesis to produce ATP. This process occurs in all living cells, including plant cells. ATP is used as a direct source of energy for various cellular activities, such as metabolic processes, growth, and reproduction.

So, while chloroplasts generate glucose (energy-rich molecules) through photosynthesis, mitochondria are needed to convert that glucose into ATP, which is the main energy currency used by cells. Without mitochondria, plants would not be able to produce sufficient ATP to carry out essential cellular functions beyond the energy produced by photosynthesis.

In summary, plants require both chloroplasts and mitochondria because chloroplasts are responsible for converting sunlight into glucose through photosynthesis, while mitochondria generate ATP through cellular respiration, thereby providing energy for various cellular processes beyond photosynthesis.


1: ok but who asked.
2:what was the point of saying that.
3: nobody asked for your opinion.
4: don't you think the guy knows that he graduated.

@joe It was in 2006 so that's why he said that


