If �gCrisis,�h as the families call this center, puts a visitor in mind of a safe haven, it is nearly the last haven one will find.

What does this sentence mean?
I am confusing to understand it...
Please tell me.

One mile is 5280.How many feet is five miles?

no it doesn't.
what do you guess it says?


I believe it is a wry criticism of the gCrisis,h Center sort of, that if you go there for "safe haven" you are not safe, and may die.
The nicname seems to be a play on jeezus h christ

The sentence you provided is expressing a somewhat contradictory idea. It is saying that if the gCrisis Center gives the impression of being a safe place, it is actually one of the last places you would find safety.

In terms of interpreting the sentence, it seems to imply that the center may have issues or dangers that are not immediately apparent. It suggests that if someone is seeking refuge or safety at the gCrisis Center, they may not necessarily find it there.

Regarding the question about the number of feet in five miles, you are correct. One mile is equal to 5280 feet, so multiplying this by five gives us 26,400 feet. Therefore, there are 26,400 feet in five miles.

However, it's important to note that your interpretation of the original sentence and your answer to the question are not related to each other. The sentence is explaining the meaning behind the nickname for the gCrisis Center, while the question about feet and miles is separate.