Which element listed should have chemical properties similar to fluorine (F)


Br, along with F, a halogen (column 7 of the periodic table)

Look at the periodic table. The columns are called groups. Elements in the same group have similar chemical properties.

C. Br


C. Br

I love how we all responded 14 years after he posted the question LOL

F L v br B R

To find an element with chemical properties similar to fluorine (F), we need to look for an element in the same group or column as fluorine on the periodic table. Fluorine is located in group 17, also known as the halogens. The options given are Li, Si, Br, and Ne.

Option A: Lithium (Li) is located in group 1, also known as the alkali metals. It is not in the same group as fluorine and therefore does not have similar chemical properties.

Option B: Silicon (Si) is located in group 14, known as the carbon group. It is not in the same group as fluorine and therefore does not have similar chemical properties.

Option C: Bromine (Br) is located in group 17, the same group as fluorine. Bromine is also a halogen and therefore has chemical properties similar to fluorine. So, option C is the correct choice.

Option D: Neon (Ne) is located in group 18, known as the noble gases. It is not in the same group as fluorine and therefore does not have similar chemical properties.

In conclusion, the element listed that should have chemical properties similar to fluorine (F) is bromine (Br).