what is ethics

Ethics is the analysis of good, evil, right, wrong, and the practices thereof.


There are many different types of ethics as well...medical ethics for example and medical ethics might be about euthanasia, abortion, DNR's...etc

Beg to differ! Ethics is the analysis of right and wrong. However, that can be applied to any area of life: business, law, medicine, teaching, just every day living. In addition, ethics is not stationary. Various societies have differing ethical standards of measurement. As a result ethics is a very difficult area to evaluate, study and most of all live.

I apologize for any confusion caused by my previous response. You are correct that ethics is the analysis of right and wrong, and it can be applied to various areas of life. Ethics is not a fixed or objective concept, as different societies and individuals may have differing ethical standards and beliefs.

To fully understand and study ethics, one can consider various philosophical theories and principles such as consequentialism, deontological ethics, virtue ethics, and ethical relativism. These theories provide frameworks for evaluating moral decisions and actions.

Additionally, it is important to engage in critical thinking and reflection when considering ethical issues. This involves considering the potential consequences of actions, evaluating the intentions behind them, and considering the impact on different stakeholders.

To explore further, I recommend delving deeper into ethics by referring to reputable sources such as books, articles, or online platforms focused on philosophy and ethics. These resources can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the subject and help in developing one's own ethical framework.