The number 1 is both the square of an integer and the cube of an integer. What is the next larger interger which is both a square and a cube of a positve integer.

plz help, the only number i can think of was 0 but its smaller than one.

what is the erroron the verdfind it and write it correctly english.

After my father had do his wokk, he went to bed.

Any integer n can be uniquely factored in prime numbers:

n = 2^(a)*3^{b}*5^{c}*...

If an integer is a square then all the exponents a, b, etc. must be even. If it is a cube they must all be divisible by 3. If the integer is required to be a cube and a square then the exponents must be divisible by six.

The smallest solution is obtained, obviously, by choosing all the exponents equal to zero, which yields n = 1. The next largest is obtained for a = 6 and b =c =...=0, which yields n = 64.

To find the next larger integer that is both a square and a cube of a positive integer, we can use the factoring method mentioned above.

First, we need to find an integer that satisfies the conditions of being both a square and a cube, which means that all of its prime exponents must be divisible by 6.

Starting with the smallest possible value, which is 1, let's check if it satisfies the conditions. Since the exponent of 2 is 0, which is divisible by 6, and there are no other prime factors, 1 is indeed both a square and a cube.

Now, let's find the next larger integer. We can choose a = 6 and b = c = ... = 0 to obtain an integer that satisfies the conditions. Plugging these values into the factoring formula, we get:

n = 2^(6) * 3^(0) * 5^(0) * ...

Evaluating this expression, we find that n is equal to 64. Therefore, the next larger integer that is both a square and a cube is 64.

So, in conclusion, the next larger integer that is both a square and a cube of a positive integer is 64.